Last seen: Mar 4, 2023
The ice moon’s capitol lies at the center of the 360-kilometer diameter Valhalla Crater; a collection of domes huddled together against the frigid dar...
The rugged surface is punctuated by looming spires of ice over hundred meters tall. The rugged surface is punctuated by looming spires of ice over...
As those projects neared completion, an attempt to terraform Callisto was initiated, but abandoned as tensions increased through the system and the Gr...
Government: Kingdom of Jove; a military governor appointed by the Grand Assembly to a ten year term. Government: Kingdom of Jove; a military gover...
The capitol and spaceport, Olympia is located in towering ridges of Phrygia on the equator. The capital and spaceport, Olympia is located in tower...
The moon is the seat of power for Anaxilus IX, King and host of the Grand Assembly. The moon is the seat of power for Anaxilus IX, King, and host ...
Trade: The fishing industry in the subsurface ocean feeds the Helot population while the sprawling agro-colonies on the surface raise crops and livest...
Those that dare are sold off by the kingdom to Gaius Aureaus, the both hated and respected proprietor. Those that dare are sold off by the kingdom...
The city broods atop a huge floating platform over 10-kilomters in diameter. The city broods atop a huge floating platform over 10-kilometers in d...
Prometheus Forge is the capital of Io, primary spaceport, and anchors the industrial triangle along with the Volund and Tvashtar forges; sixty percent...
Prometheus Forge is massive industrial complex dominated by a power plant and the governor’s fortress. Prometheus Forge is a massive industrial co...
Trade: Magma-driven geothermal plants produce an abundance of power exported in energy cells; the Thashtar and Preometheus Forge both produce heavy in...
Government: Kingdom of Jove; a military governor appointed by the Grand Assembly to a ten year term. Government: Kingdom of Jove; a military gover...
While the platforms have been upgraded with grav-flux generators to normalize the gravity at 1g to accommodate the work force, the conditions are poor...
During the Orbital War, the newly formed Martian Republic assumed control and began genetically engineering their work force to maintain productivity ...