Book V: A Tale of T...
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Book V: A Tale of Two Vessels - Chapter VI: Into the Black

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10.19: After shore leave, the crew of the UMC Rakshasa – including newly recruited Grimfangs – reports to the ship to depart for Vanth. Intent on determining the nature of the strange nano-chrome mask they found on Sycorax, Ransom hands it over to Horkos for study.

10.20: As the ship’s chaplain, the reckoner presides over the funeral of Zevon whose remains are given over to the black. As the ceremony ends, Fenris collapses.

10.21: Infected by Zevon with a new invasive nanite colony from the Phoenix Lab, a wicked bone-like blade forms of its own accord in the dog soldier’s cyber arm. Once fully formed, the nanites become inert and Fenris recovers.

10.27: After days of study and meditation, the reckoner dons the Mask of the Daemon and it fuses itself to his face mimicking his features to remain unnoticed.

10.28: Three days from Vanth, the Rakshasa detects a Venusian destroyer, the GES Rising Dawn, and her complement of two guncutters and an assault boat running dark waiting in ambush deep in the black. With the newly installed cloaking array running, the yacht is initially undetected by the ambushers. Ransom maneuvers into a tactical position aft of the destroyer and, after seeking the council of the ship’s officers, opens a comm channel. Their position revealed, the former Venusian Minister of Extra-planetary Affairs, Kochai Subatis, is pleased to have found them. Catalyst of the escalating war between the Empire and the Republic, Subatis is the most wanted man in the Outland and his intentions are clear. Acting swiftly, Ransom, Horkos, Fenris, and the Grimfangs board the scalpel and together the ships launch a joint attack on the destroyer. Hammering the destroyer’s shields under covering fire from the Rakshasa, the scalpel closes while the yacht draws heavy fire from the guncutters and assault boat. After a fierce pursuit, the scalpel mag-clamps to the destroyer’s hull and Ransom leads a boarding party towards the engine room. Encountering heavy resistance from two squads of Imperial marines, the boarding party reaches and secures the engine room. Opening a comm to the bridge, a smug Subatis reveals that he has captured Penumbra Vale and the artifact.

Scribe of the Adventure System
