Can Fate be used on...
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[Solved] Can Fate be used on a Soak check if the player has Might?

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Von Fuge
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A Soak check is in direct response to a damage check and you can’t use Fate on a damage check.

If the player has Might they can use Fate to affect damage rolls.  Does this mean they can also spend Fate on a Soak check?

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Excellent question!

It was intended to only be used for inflicting damage, but the way it is written "The character may use Fate to affect damage rolls." certainly infers that it could be used for a Soak check. As, in fact, Soak effects the damage inflicted.  As written, I would allow it. This begs a broader question, however, should it be allowed?  A character with a high Toughness and Armor die already has a formidable Soak.  Being able to use Fate might be unbalancing.


Scribe of the Adventure System

Von Fuge
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For this to be a problem the character must:

  1. Have a high Endurance
  2. Have a high Fortitude
  3. Acquire heavy armor through game-play
  4. Achieve Honorable (Honor+8)
  5. Purchase Might at the cost of 25 Fate

I think this is self-balancing.

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Agreed and well said. It is called Might for a reason after all. The rule will be left as written and it's scope will include the ability to use Fate on Soak checks. I think it is worth adding to the FAQ, which I will do...

Scribe of the Adventure System
