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Work of Fiction - "A Walk in the Park"

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I am getting about 700 words per page with the current two-column format.  The story should be five to seven pages long or 3500 to 7000 words.

As a rough guide, refer to the events in the Chronicle of a World at War Chapter V and VI. There is not much time for world building, but I have attached a chapter from the novel I was working on to give you a feel for the theme. It is heavy on world-building, being Chapter One, and I only include it as a reference to the feel of the Forever War. Try to get to the action directly.  I leave the scope and span to you, but we want to have these rules elements when we move on to the mirrored Extended Example of Play:

  • Initiative; including drawing weapons; Free Action v. Move Action
  • Ranged combat; including range and cover
  • Melee combat
  • Tactical use of Talents
  • Tactical use of Advanced Actions
  • Tactical movement
  • Skill use
  • Conditions inflicted by damage; devastated, etc.
  • Resisted secondary effects & effect damage
  • Use of magic

Ultimately it needs to be a cool story, so all of this is merely a guideline.

Peace & Happy Hunting!

Scribe of the Adventure System

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In the event it is not obvious, you can't use the same level of "colorful" language I use in the draft. It needs to be PG-13 maybe... Although, I like to think of the gypsy as TV-MA for sure...

Scribe of the Adventure System
