Reference: Probabil...
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Reference: Probabilities

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Wrapping my head around the core mechanic, getting a sense for your chances of success.

The chance of a d10 hitting a DN 4 is 70%, with advantage it's 1-[(3/10)*(3/10)]= 91%. Importantly, your chance to fumble goes from 10% to 1% if you have advantage. If you don't have advantage but spend Fate to re-roll it's also 91% to succeed. If you simply fail your first attempt and retry, the chance drops to 84% because of fumbles. Your chance to hit with disadvantage drops to 49% on the first try.

To Hit DN 4, straight and with advantage

d4 = 25%, 44%

d6 = 50%, 75%

d8 = 63%, 86%

d10 = 70%, 91%

d12 = 75%, 94%

To Hit DN 8, straight and with advantage

d4 = 6%, 14%

d6 = 14%, 26% (Max)

d8 = 12%, 23%

d10 = 30%, 51%

d12 = 42%, 66%


High chance to whiff, a strong incentive to spend Fate to add your Spirit die if you care about the results.

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There is a "Big Chart & A Rabbit Hole" document I created with those numbers. It was my crude pass at the statistical end of it.  Seems like our numbers agree which is a shocker as I wasn't entirely sure I got them right.  Take a look if so inclined.

Type-A as I may be, from numbers perspective, I focus more on how the game feels than the raw statistical numbers. Meaning, when your skill increases from a d4 to a d6 and then a d8... does it "feel" like your character got markedly better. Or, does your character with a Strength d8 feel like he is stronger than most in play.  

Scribe of the Adventure System
