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[Solved] ver 1.1. page 8, 'Dragonkin'

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'Dragonkin are descended from the get of wyrms.'

I can't make sense of this. '... greatest of wyrms'?

I think this demands some guidance on exactly how one gets from a proper dragon to a dragonkin. One time miracle? Repeatable magic spell? Some kind of crazy dragon-sex with humans? Even if it's up to the GM, offer some concrete ideas.

'All dragonkin have the will of their ancestry ...'


'All dragonkin have the iron will of their draconic ancestors ...'

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'Dragonkin are cold-mined' should be cold-minded?


'Dragonkin are cold-minded and most warm-blooded creatures have an innate fear of them. Dragonkin suffer disadvantage on X, Y and Z checks for social interactions with warm blood creatures.'

Intimidation is a social interaction, yes? Do they get advantage?

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Thanks for the feedback. This text has been adjusted based on you comments.

No, they do not get Advantage to Intimidate (although, I get it).  That would require another offsetting negative trait to balance the Advantage.

Scribe of the Adventure System
