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[Solved] ver 1.23, page 30, Free Actions

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"A character gets one Free Action per turn per Action. "

Mistake? Or do I get 1 free action with my complex action or 1 free action with each of my Standard actions (two total)? I can't use a Free action except in combination with a Standard or Complex action? So I can communicate when I Attack, but I can't just communicate at any other point in the round?

"Use Free Actions at any point during the turn round, but they are reactionary if taken on another character’s Initiative turn unless that character takes a Move Action."

I couldn't find a clear definition of reactionary. It doesn't add any clarity to the rule, can you skip it or replace it with a non-jargon instruction? This will confuse 5E payers, they'll go looking for a 5E-like Reaction in your rules, and it doesn't exist.

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Also, I'd still love to see a section called 'Types of Actions"  that rolls in everything you have on Free/Standard/Complex and introduces and contrasts Basic vs. Advanced actions. It should list which actions must be used on your turn (initiative) or which actions can be used any time in the round, whichever is the shorter list.

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I added some language to both Free Actions and Move.

Scribe of the Adventure System
