ver 1.23, pages 16-...
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[Solved] ver 1.23, pages 16-17, Compass

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Fate, Destiny and Compass are places where you hint at the kind of role-playing I know happens at your table. The following is a collection of ideas I had, examples of how you can put concrete rules in place to guide and stimulate the kind of role-playing you and I have come to expect from our groups: where players have conversations with real emotional weight and with significant consequences for relationships in the fiction; where they make decisions and pursue goals with serious moral implications. Where stuff happens, and it MATTERS.

You are probably doing some or all of these things at your table already, this just formalizes it and helps other groups do the same. Naturally you can alter or expand these lists, but I wouldn't encourage GMs to add their own. They should be thoughtfully, intentionally designed and play-tested.

Just expand on what players need to do to trigger an Increase or Decrease check. There are real mechanical consequences for driving your compass in one direction or another, we just need to tie it tightly into the fiction. This also replaces the arbitrary "GM awards 1-10 Fate for role-playing" with Fate awards for taking specific, significant actions related to your compass. I'm guessing at the best amount for Fate awards, basically just a small award for consequential choices and a large award for making a big, big impact. Adjust accordingly.


-- Morality Increase --

* Save the life of someone who is powerless: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If this lands you in prison or you take damage greater than your Endurance: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Give 20% of your cash to the poor: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. Forsake affluent or greater wealth, becoming destitute: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Speak Truth to Power, exposing injustice or inequity: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If this lands you in prison or you take damage greater than your Endurance: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Forgive a grievous wrong against you: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. Forgive a hated enemy: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Make peace between factions: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If there was a long history of blood between them: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.


-- Morality Decrease --

* Murder: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. Murder someone you love: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Sexual assault or rape: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If it's someone who loves you or a family member: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Torture: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If it's someone who trusts you: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Seriously undermine someone's confidence, security or happiness: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If it's someone who loves you or if they commit suicide: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.


-- Honor Increase --

* Fight a fair duel: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. Take a handicap to keep it fair: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Tell an uncomfortable truth: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If this lands you in prison or you take damage greater than your Endurance: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Sacrifice blood, time or treasure to uphold the law: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If this costs the life of a friend or your relationship with your lover or if it lands you in prison: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Keep an oath: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If this costs the life of a friend or your relationship with your lover or if it lands you in prison: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.


-- Honor Decrease --

* Lie to save your own neck: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If this lands your patsy in prison or gets them killed: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Steal something significant to its owner: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. From a close relative or someone you love: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Slander: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. Utterly destroy that person's reputation: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Break a solemn oath: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If people die as a result: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.


-- Sanity Increase --

* Spend 1 month in a sanitaruim: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If this costs you your reputation or position in society: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Take your meds for 1 month: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If those meds reduce skills or stats by 2 steps or more: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Destroy a focus of obsession: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If that was a relationship with a person: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.


-- Sanity Decrease --

* TBD ... you get the idea.


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-- Sanity decrease --

* Extended conversation with a demon or lunatic or reading forbidden lore: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If you gain important truth thereby: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Travel in strange dimensions/planes: roll decrease and gain 2 Fate. If you gain important truth thereby: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Support the obsessions of a lunatic: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. Fall in love with them: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate.

* Take psychedelic drugs: roll increase and gain 2 Fate. If it destroys a relationship or someone dies as a result: roll with advantage and gain 5 Fate. (AKA the Fugiel option.)

