Alternate 'injury' ...
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Alternate 'injury' system

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Hi Folks, what I'm going to share here is my response to how my group 'games' the HP mechanics of other systems.  (See my post on Fog of War Initiative for the intro I intended to use for this).  Essentially, I want my players to be effected by wounds without being able to calculate mathematically what they should do on a given turn.  The Adventure System gives me the opportunity to try out a wound die mechanic I've had on my mind for a long time.

Please do not think that I post these alternate rules because AS is broken. Quite the contrary.  Adventure System gives a canvas that I, as a GM can paint on.  


Hit Points and Wounds
If a character’s HP are ever reduced to zero, he goes unconscious. If his HP are reduced to zero and he is wounded, he begins to die.

If the amount of damage taken is 5 greater than toughness or the soak roll, the character receives a wound and DOES NOT receive any HP damage.  He also receives a wound for every 5 point increment.

Wounds are represented by a wound die. When a character takes his first wound, his wound die is a d4. Each subsequent wound he receives increases the die type by 1. Whenever the character makes a check of any sort, the wound die is also rolled. If the wound die shows the highest value, before any maxing is performed, the check fails. If when performing a check including a wound die, the player rolls snake eyes, his character starts to die. If the wound die ever shows a value of 12, the character begins to die.

A dying character remains conscious as long as his HP are above zero. A conscious, dying character is Hindered. When his token is drawn, he immediately rolls his Endurance or Fortitude die, whichever is highest. If he rolls a 1, the die type decreases, and that is the die he rolls next time. He continues rolling this way until he either rolls a 1 on a d4, or he is stabilized.

There are two types of NPCs, Minions and Bosses. Minions are out of the battle if damage exceeds their Toughness. The GM will decide their degree of deadness as required by the narrative. Bosses are out of the battle after receiving 3 wounds.

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@smoothtesuji, how are you establishing the character's HP? Do Wounds become HP and the the Wound mechanic follows?

Scribe of the Adventure System

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@scribe HP are determined per the core Adventure System rules

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@scribe I use the term HP to replace the term Wounds from the core game cause we are just used to the term HP, and I use ‘wound’ for the more action inhibiting injury...  sorry for the confusion there.
