Book I: Escape from...
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Book I: Escape from Nox - Chapter 5: Night of the Siren

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Day 24: The incalculable mind of Byron Never is utterly suborned to the will of the siren that rises up out of the meltwater. Branding Whitechapel and Nai as intruders, she sends the Technomancer to dispatch them. Making his way up out of the ship, he encounters Nai and sends him to find Whitechapel below. The navigator descends to the flooded lower deck and comes under immediate attack from the siren. Meanwhile, Whitechapel follows Never to the top hatch. He arrives just as Never is finishing wiring a pipe bomb to the hatch, but doesn’t notice. Never tells him the navigator is looking for him below and he descends only to find Nai, the flesh of his scalp badly shredded by the siren’s shriek, desperately trying to escape. After firing a useless shot through the thing, they escape the flooded deck. Trying to seal the intruders’ fate Never magnetizes the hatch closed with the Gravitic Mine and uses the Melta-Ray to flood the area around the ship causing it freeze over trapping Whitechapel and Nai inside when the temperature rapidly drops even further. While Nai huddles by the stove against the frigid temperatures, Whitechapel hunts for a way to escape. After a few hours, he fires enough rounds into the dome over the atrium shattering it allowing them to escape. They find Never, near hypothermic, asleep in the shelter. It takes a few tense moments for them to be convinced he is no longer under the siren’s glamour.

Day 26: After huddling in the shelter for over a day, Whitechapel, Never, and Nai continue across the Sea of Silt when Nox begins to emerge from the eclipse.

Day 34: Whitechapel, Never, and Nai reach the switchback trail that leads up from the Sea of Silt to the black pine forest above.

Day 37: During the night, Whitechapel, Never, and Nai are attacked by chitin in their camp killing most and driving the remainder off.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Overlord

Scribe of the Adventure System
