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v2.5 pg 54 Suppressive Fire

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Von Fuge
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In addition to possibly taking damage, all targets in the area suppressed who fail a Spirit (RN) check must seek and stay under cover forfeiting any attacks.

What happens when suppressive fire is used on an enemy who is higher in the Initiative order (i.e. has no further attacks that turn)?

Does the suppression take effect on their next action?

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@von-fuge, Precisely. Effectively anything like this would follow the same concept of Counting Turns on page 153. Fair question though, I will see if I can tweak the text (it's tight) or add an FAQ.

Scribe of the Adventure System

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Here's the new text:

As a Complex Action, the character sprays a Blast (2) area firing ten rounds. Targets that fail to use a Defend Action to Dodge are hit suffering normal weapon damage. The character may also use suppressive fire by firing twenty rounds. In addition to possibly taking damage, all targets in the area suppressed who fail a Spirit (RN) check must seek cover forfeiting any attacks on their next initiative. Full Auto suffers no Disadvantage firing at targets in cover.

Scribe of the Adventure System
