Last seen: May 6, 2023
I was able to put on my thinking cap and filled out the gear pages; no further gear need, just a review and proof.
Finished laying out these pages short of any additional vehicle suggestions...
Greetings, The art is almost complete in the second section of Chapter Two; the Moreau add an interesting and horrifying twist to the Outland. Dropp...
The Print-on-Demand (POD) file update to version 2.5 of the Adventure System is complete and now available on DriveThruRPG:/div> Anyone who...
Here's the new text: As a Complex Action, the character sprays a Blast (2) area firing ten rounds. Targets that fail to use a Defend Action to Dodge...
@von-fuge, Precisely. Effectively anything like this would follow the same concept of Counting Turns on page 153. Fair question though, I will see if ...
@greymorn, What you are describing is a delicate balance. When writing the rules, I intentionally accounted for the fact that space piracy is good fun...
The Print-on-Demand (POD) file has been accepted by the printer and a proof is on order. Shipping is very slow these days. We are hoping to have it av...