Last seen: May 6, 2023
@greymorn, appreciate the feedback. Those numbers were intentional based on the nature of the vessels. It was not intended to be a progression. The th...
@greymorn, to be very clear, I do not disagree with your ruling in any way. I just want to point out that was your call based on your prior feedback a...
@greymorn, thanks for the update. You indicated before that your group was having issues with Critical Failures. How is that going? Is that how Quinn ...
And, most of the movement will be narrative prior to the units engaging...
@von-fuge, If you needed to resolve unit movement, you would simply use the normal movement rules. I general, however, I would not do so... It is not ...
Yes. I have adjusted the text as follows: A Critical Success allows the caster to increase the range or duration by a step on the Range & Durati...
@greymorn, thanks for the debrief. I really appreciate your ship names. Very cool.
@von-fuge, good catches; fixed. Fair point on population density. I prefer the hard data style of the planetary profiles (Tech and Law an unavoidabl...
@von-fuge, appreciate all of the edits. Any feedback on the general layout and level of content for the Kingdom of Jove? Once finalized, it will serve...
@von-fuge, fixed, thx.