Last seen: May 6, 2023
Tie there is no winner; so "nothing" happens. This stated on page 7.
Adjustments made in both sections.
I added some language to both Free Actions and Move.
The distance moved is on Movement Table on page 8. I added a line to Move to clarify that in also includes the Complex Action movements.
Visceral dislike respectfully noted. That said, the rule will remain as it is for the following reasons; It is mechanicaly sound and functional.It ca...
I modified the text slighty to include the Standard Action. Yes, it is intentional that Move, in all it's forms, is a Basic Action. Great catch, re-a...
The example is correct and if you look at Part I you will see "all" the goblins are acting on initiative 9. Both go before Never and the example stat...
Greetings: Neither; because we are approaching the launch of the Adventure System as a commercial product, access to the Players folder currently is r...